Coding Dojo Floripa

Desenvolvimento Ágil

Desenvolvimento Ágil está transformando o mundo!

Posted by Victor Hugo Germano em Segunda-feira, Setembro 24, 2007

Sim, isso mesmo… numa reportagem publicada pela CNN, indicando O que está mudando o rumo dos negócios no mundo na atualidade, Desenvolvimento Ágil está entre os principais. Talvez sejam as iniciativas bem sucedidas de aplicação, ou ainda a adoção de metodologias Ágeis por “empresinhas” como Google e Microsoft…

“It started as a rebellion against overwrought, Dilbert-style software development projects. Today the set of practices known as agile software development is reshaping the way coders and entrepreneurs create Web-based services. Agile teams work very quickly — sometimes in as little as a week — to create small chunks of code. Once a component is finished, additional features are added, with the process repeating indefinitely. Agile also has a reputation for enabling managers to deliver products on time and under budget, which helps explain why it has become a methodology of choice at companies like Google and Lockheed Martin.”

50 Who/What Matters in Business, according to CNN

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